Poor sleep quality - Optimal Hormone Health Clinic

Poor sleep quality refers to sleep that is insufficient or disrupted in some way, preventing us from getting the restorative benefits of healthy sleep. Some key signs and impacts of poor quality sleep include: Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep - Tossing, turning, and struggling to fall asleep or return to sleep during the night - Waking up frequently overnight Lack of restful sleep - Not feeling rested upon waking up in the morning - Feeling sluggish, sleepy, or tired throughout the day Disrupted sleep cycle - Irregular sleep patterns that prevent the body's natural sleep rhythms from regulating properly Impacts on daytime functioning - Problems concentrating, learning, and retaining memories - Decreased work performance and safety risks - Mood issues like irritability, anxiety, and depression - Weakened immune function Common causes - Stress, noise, light, discomfort, another health condition disrupting sleep - Not allowing enough time for sleep - Poor sleep habits like inconsistent bedtimes, using electronic devices before bed Tips for improving sleep quality:

Chronic poor sleep that persists over time should be addressed with a doctor at Optimal Hormone Health Clinic, as it could indicate an underlying medical issue or sleep disorder requiring diagnosis and treatment. Focusing on sleep hygiene by optimizing your sleep environment and habits can go a long way in helping improve sleep quality as well.

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