Optimal Hormone Health Clinic Privacy Policy

What's covered in this privacy policy?

This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, and share your personal data. It covers topics like the types of personal data we collect, how we use and protect that data, who we share it with, and your rights as a user.

What personal data do we collect?

At Optimal Hormone Health Clinic, we collect two types of personal data:

  1. Technical Data - This includes your IP address, browser type, and cookie data. We use this to analyze traffic, troubleshoot issues, and improve our site.
  2. Contact Information - If you choose to provide it, we'll collect basic information like your name. We use this to respond to inquiries and provide information about our services.

We do NOT collect any health, medical, or other sensitive data.

How do we use your personal data?

We use technical data to keep our website running smoothly and improve user experience.

As for contact information, we use it to communicate with you and provide details about our hormone therapy services if you've requested it.

We DO NOT use your data for any other purposes. No selling, no shady sharing - just using it for legitimate site operations and customer communication.

Who has access to your personal data?

Your personal data is only accessible to a small number of Optimal Hormone Health Clinic employees on a strict need-to-know basis.

We never share or sell your personal data with third party companies for marketing or advertising purposes.

The only time we would ever disclose your data is if legally required for law enforcement purposes. But we'd put up a fight before allowing that.

What are your data rights?

As a user, you have rights when it comes to your personal data. You can:

Get in touch with us, and we'll ensure your data rights are respected. We believe users should maintain control over their personal information.

How do we protect your data?

Data security is of utmost importance to us. Here are some of the measures we take:

Keeping your personal information secure is a top priority.

Wait, there's more!

We update this privacy policy as needed to reflect any changes in our data practices. The policy date will always indicate the most recent version.

We also have a firm no-spam policy. We'll never sell or rent your email address for marketing purposes.

The bottom line? When it comes to data privacy and security, Optimal Hormone Health Clinic is committed to protecting your personal information. We collect minimal data, allow you full control, and keep it secure.

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